Explore Skyminer | ru

The Skyminer is meticulously designed and configured to provide a backbone for the new internet. Its custom-built hardware exceeds technical specifications to deliver maximum power and performance. Skywire functions as a “miner” for Skycoins. It acts as a specialized VPN, using a custom hardware configuration. The hardware is segmented in such a way that even if one service is compromised, the other services on the same machine can’t be. | ru

The Skycoin hardware suite continues to materialize


The Skycoin Consensus Algorithm

Bitcoin is no longer decentralized. It is completely controlled by three mining pools. Skycoin’s consensus algorithm is designed from the ground up to achieve Satoshi’s original vision of truly peer-to-peer cash.

Skycoin Is The Most Advanced Blockchain Application Platform In The World | ru

Skycoin Ecosystem | ru

Skycoin | ru

The most powerful and complete cryptocurrency ever created. | ru

Obelisk | ru

Developed by OG Ethereum devs, it is the most powerful consensus algorithm to date. | ru

Fiber | ru

Our blockchain platform, an infinite number of blockchains in parallel bound together. | ru

Skywire | ru

The new decentralized Internet, a wireless mesh network that pays you to process bandwidth. | ru

Skyminer | ru

Hardware for the new Internet. Get paid to process bandwidth while you sleep. | ru

CX | ru

The most powerful programming language on the market. | ru

Coin Hours | ru

Our network's gas. You earn 1 CH every hour you hold Skycoin in your wallet. You burn 50% to transact. | ru

Nodes | ru

Our community members, and anyone who processes bandwith on Skywire. | ru

CXO | ru

Peer-to-peer cloud storage. Dropbox for the new Internet. | ru

Coin Join | ru

Completely private, untracable transactions on top of Fiber, our blockchain technology. | ru

SDN | ru

Decentralized Virtual Private Network running on Skywire. | ru

Kitty Cash | ru

Remember Cryptokitties? This is an infinitely scalable version. Plus they're cute. | ru

SkyMessenger | ru

Decentralized Encrypted Messenger running on Skywire. | ru

BBS | ru

Decentralized Social Network running on Skywire. | ru


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