
  • 51% Attack

    The ability of someone controlling a majority of the network to revise transaction history and prevent new transactions from confirming.
  • Block Height

    The number of blocks preceding a particular block on a block chain. For example, the genesis block has a height of zero because zero blocks preceded it.
  • Block Sequence Number

    Integer that denotes the position of a given block within the collection of blocks that form of the blockchain. Block sequences increment by 1 for each block and start at 0 for the genesis block.
  • Distribution Addresses

    The genesis block of 100 million coins is split up to 100 addresses of 1m each. The recipient addresses of these 100m are called distribution addresses.
  • Droplet

    A droplet is the smallest unit of Skycoin, equal to 0.000001 Skycoin (SKY).
  • Head Block

    The block in the blockchain with highest sequence number. In other words, the most recent block added to the blockchain.
  • Private Key

    The private portion of a keypair which can create signatures that other people can verify using the public key. Skycoin uses ECDSA keys with the secp256k1 curve.
  • Public Key

    The public portion of a keypair which can be used to verify signatures made with the private portion of the keypair. Skycoin uses ECDSA keys with the secp256k1 curve.
  • Transaction

    A transaction spends one or more outputs and creates one or more new outputs. The outputs that are spent by the transaction are called "transaction inputs".

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