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Apr 16 2021

Skybian Update Released

Skycoin Project has updated its Skyimager tool and the Skybian OS, used to program the computers that form the backbone of its decentralized Skywire network.

Skyimager is the name of the open-source tool used to configure and build images for the Skyminer. A new version of the Skyimager now includes support for the popular Raspberry Pi OS architecture used on the popular Raspberry Pi single-board computers. This will make creating and running Skyminers based on Raspberry Pi much simpler. Skyimager also includes support for Orange Pi Prime and Orange Pi 3 boards, which are the boards found in the official Skyminers sold by Skycoin.

In addition to some small bugfixes and user-interface improvements, the Skyimager update also includes WiFi support, so that users can enable Wifi with automatic peering right from Skyimager on the boards they flash. Doing so will allow a board to connect and join the Skywire network automatically.

Current Skyminer operators do not need to perform any actions. There’s no added functionality with regards to Skywire. The Skybian update is designed to simplify initial setup and help with all future Skywire deployments

New Users can download the new Skyimager utility from Github.

As always, Skyminer operators should make sure they’ve joined the Skywire PSA channel to keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments regarding Skywire and Skyminers.